Friday, 16 August 2013

Rough Magic (Gnomesaga Series) by Kenny Soward

Rough Magic is one of those fantasy sagas which is difficult to put down. I found the first couple of chapters slightly taxing due to a rather drawn out description of Niksabella's background but after that the action took off and the writing really flowed.

Niksabella Nur is a tinkerer, an inventor who fights against the system to get her work appreciated and seen. Persecuted by the establishment, she is determined to stand by her work but there are people who want what she has. Her brother, Nikselpik is a good time man who likes a pint of brew and the odd beetle induced high. Niksabella despairs of him but behind the facade is a gnome of great talents, can he show her he is more than he looks to be?

For a debut novel, this one is a bit special and I loved the flaws of the characters and the way the author brought this world to life so effectively in my mind. I will be waiting to see what happens in the next book.

This book is part of the GnomeSaga series and the author has brought us a world full of gnomes, gnome magic and characters which grow and surprise you with their eventual morality and values.

Twitter: @kennysoward

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