Friday, 5 July 2013

Lantamyra: A Tapestry of Fantasy by Susan Waterwyk

After an initial slightly shaky start, this book took off and kept me intrigued and eager to find out what happened next. Lantamyra has many strong characters which admirably support the main ones, Tylya and Josh. This story is not fast paced and action packed but instead is almost a record of a journey to a world which is believable and fascinating in its possibility. In other words, there seems to be a truth to it all which I found absorbing. This was helped by the authors attention to scientific detail in her book which I found, (as someone with an interest in the subject), added a deeper sense of reality to the tale.

Tylya and Josh are two young people who are at the beginning of a close relationship. When Josh joins Tylya in the canyon to prospect he finds out it is not gold she wants but her grandmother's lost treasure of a very different kind. The discovery of the treasure leads the three of them to Lantamyra where they are surrounded by dragons, magic, crystal power and the need to understand more. The price for knowledge is high and they must choose whether to go ahead and become more than they are but lose each other in the process.

This novel is beautifully descriptive and it is easy to see Lantamyra through the eyes of the author who has created a wonderful world. There is a second book coming out in the autumn which continues the story. This is a longish novel but it really is worth persisting with it to the end. I thoroughly enjoyed this and will definitely be reading the continuation.

Twitter @waterwyk

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